Conformance Statement

Product Standard: 1003.1-2003 Base

[Note to submitter: This form contains a series of questions that need to be answered. Please complete all the fields in the questionnaire below to produce a conformance statement for your product. This should be submitted as part of product registration within the web certification system. See the Guide to POSIX Certification for more information. Please note that this conformance statement will appear on the public register of certified products.]

Enter the name of the Organization that produced the implementation and the name of the author of the Conformance Statement.

Organization Enter_Organization_Name
Author Enter_Author_Name

1. 1003.1-2003 Base

Product Information

Enter the product name, version/release number, and product supplier for each product required to meet the conformance requirements. If more than one product is required, please list the additional products, and extend the table if necessary.

Product Identification Version/Release Number Product Supplier
Enter_Product_Identification Enter_Version_or_Release_Number Enter_Product_Supplier_Name

Environment Specification

Product registration applies to software products operating in a specific hardware or hardware/software environment.
A product may be registered either as a single product, known as Platform Specific Certification, or as a family of binary-compatible products, known as Product Family Certification.

Enter the level of Certification, either "Platform Specific Certification" or "Product Family Certification". If Product Family Certification then enter a full description below of the binary-compatible family

Level of Certification Binary-compatible Family

1.1 Mandatory Product Standards

Question 1: 1003.1-2003 System Interfaces


Give details (Product Name, Supplier, Date Registered) of the 1003.1-2003 System Interfaces component product standard referenced.


This Product Standard comprises two subsidiary Product Standards.


1003.1-2003 Base Product Standard.

Question 2: 1003.1-2003 Shell and Utilities


Give details (Product Name, Supplier, Date Registered) of the 1003.1-2003 Shell and Utilities component product standard referenced.


This Product Standard comprises two subsidiary Product Standards.


1003.1-2003 Base Product Standard.

1.2 POSIX Conformance Document

Question 3: How can a copy of the POSIX Conformance Document for this product be obtained?


Provide a description of how the POSIX Conformance Document for this product can be obtained.


Implementations claiming conformance to IEEE Std 1003.1-2001 are required to create a conformance document.


IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Base Definitions Volume, Issue 6, Section 2.1 Implementation Conformance, Section 2.1.2 Documentation.

2. Appendix

This appendix contains additional, explanatory material that was provided by the vendor. This should include any setup required to define a conforming environment on the system. Note that it is acceptable to refer to the equivalent section in the subsidiary Conformance Statements.










3. Change History

Date Name Comment

Version 1.0 15 October 2003
 Copyright © 1998-2003 The Open Group. All Rights Reserved.  The Open Group and Boundaryless Information Flow are trademarks and UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. POSIX is a registered trademark of the IEEE. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.